Fragrance of the Month: Leather Rosa

This month’s fragrance feature is our award-winning Leather Rosa, a sensuous unisex perfume featuring luscious damask roses on a bed of smoky oudh and amber.

Warming on the skin, as soft as buttery rich leather.


Aqua Alba

Aqua Alba takes the distinctive flavours of whisky and translates them into fragrance. 

Drawing on elements of the Scottish landscape that so imbue whisky with its distinctive flavours - peat smoke, heather, wind blasted wood, soft green mosses...

Explore aqua alba

Welcome to our world.

Hello, we are Angela Flanders Perfumery. We are passionate about artisan perfumery and we create scents for those who indulge in the luxury of fine handmade fragrance

'I can play, I can have fun and I can make very small amounts of a scent. Being tiny, you can afford to be brave!'

- Angela Flanders

Read our Story


Our second shop, opened in 2012, is located on Artillery Passage by historic Spitalfields Market.

Our Original shop

Columbia Road

Visit us at our original location at 96 Columbia Road every Saturday & Sunday.

Our newest home

Fortnum & Mason

Find our Collection Noire & Atelier at Fortnum's Perfume Hall on Piccadilly.