Welcome to your art class in a box!

Seasonal ProjPacks we ❤️!

Our Monthly Subscription Box Projects:

Classic Artist Box & Art School Box – monthly art subscription boxes for ages 12 +

May: Our ‘Classic’ box will explore painting with motion in impressionist-style, but modern paintings of athletes! Share your successes with us at #ClassyArtistBox

What’s the difference between the Classic & Art School boxes? The Classic is for anyone ages 12+ who wants to make art, the ASB is for anyone in middle + high school who want to us the projects as an art curriculum!

For more information on the Classic Artist Box, click here.

Art School Box – a homeschool art class for ages 12-18!

May: our Art School Box follows the same lessons as the Classic Artist Box, but during the school year, there are added features like the rubric, art history card, or critique card. Some supplies will be shared if more than one student is added to a single box.

Share your work with us at #ClassyArtistBox and #ArtSchoolBox (ages 12+)

This box is perfectly formulated for home educated students looking to enhance their art education! We love to serve co-ops and other homeschool groups looking for an easy to use curriculum and supply bundle.

Elementary Artist Box – fun mommy & me art projects or homeschool art class

May: This month our kids boxes will create glowing sea paintings!!

The great thing about this box is that even younger elementary students can do these projects because they get more advanced as you keep following the directions (so younger kids can simply stop sooner, while older kids keep going). Some supplies will be shared if more than one student is added in a box.

Our leveled approach helps parents know how the child is doing based on their artistic development. Each age group has a different completion goal for this project.

Box includes written and video instructions, supplies, and lots of fun!

Preschool Artist Box – mommy (or daddy) and me art projects to do with your little ones

May: This month we will get to do the same thing as the big kids in the Elementary Artist Box, but each child will work at their own level. The Preschool box will include outlines on their papers so they can practice painting in the lines.

This box is meant to be completed as a parent + me setting so that you can guide and make the projects with your child. Some supplies will be shared if more than one student is added in a box.

This is a Mommy (or Daddy or Grandparent) + Me type project!!! Have fun and make it a bonding experience! Parents are expected to accompany the child through the project to help manage messes and ensure safety.

Welcome to our growing family! We’re excited you’re here. Please let us know if you have any questions as you explore.

Classy Artist Box is a family owned art subscription box with the goal of making it easy for you or your loved ones to learn to create beautiful artwork from home. For two years we have provided our customers with individual project kits (we call ProjPacks) as well as a homeschool art curriculum (The Art School Box). We also offer options for kids and a box for those who are ages 12+ who want to learn more about art or who just want supplies and motivation to carve out time for your favorite hobby! (The box for anyone ages 12+ is called the Classic Artist Box.)

The opportunities for how you use our kits are endless, but below are some of our recommendations:

Need a Date Night Idea?

Monthly Subscriptions We Offer:

Ways to Gift:

A Few ProjPack Ideas for Kids

ProjPacks for ages 12+

For more ProjPacks (project packs/art kits) go to our ProjPacks page!

Looking for other ways to show your CAB love? Order a Classy Artist Box T-Shirt!

Classy Artist Box Tee Shirts!

ProjPack Boxes

Our ProjPack box gives you the opportunity to get past projects without the subscription!! We will soon have options for preschool, elementary, and those ages 12+

For more ProjPacks… Click here!