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Beecher Howard


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The one, THe only


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AFC Ring Sets

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EVOE line up

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Bule bolu

Who is coilturd?

quit smoking in 2010

At the age of 14, I began smoking cigarettes like many adolescents. As I progressed into adulthood and embarked on a career in the restaurant industry, smoking became a ubiquitous presence in my surroundings. However, a transformative moment occurred when a friend introduced me to vaping, and from that day forward, everything changed. Since then, I have successfully abandoned smoking and embraced a smoke-free lifestyle.

started making coils

Back in the day, when I stumbled upon Instagram posts of people crafting their own coils, I felt an instant urge to try it myself. It was during this time that the name "Coilturd" came to mind. Given that a friend of mine had always referred to me as "Beechturd," it seemed fitting to adopt "Coilturd" as my Instagram handle. I began purchasing wire from a nearby shop, where it was available for a dollar per foot, and thus began my journey down the path of coil building.

RDAs and liquids, oh my!

Once I had established myself as a reputable coil builder, I felt compelled to expand my horizons and venture into creating my own line of products. It all began with the introduction of "A liquid for Vaping," which paved the way for numerous other offerings showcased on this very website. Notably, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the esteemed Indonesian manufacturer, Emkay Brewer. Building on this momentum, in 2018, I embarked on the design journey of my inaugural RDA , which swiftly garnered worldwide acclaim and became a beloved choice among vapers globally.

and here is

pretty much everything

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EVOE Sale price$20.00
AFC Rings 2AFC Rings 2
AFC Rings 2 Sale price$8.00
AN RDA 2 Sale priceFrom $54.99
EVOE Sale price$20.00
AFC Rings 2AFC Rings 2
AFC Rings 2 Sale price$8.00
AN RDA 2 Sale priceFrom $54.99
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