Where grocery, technology & innovation intersect

A fresh take on grocery & CPG

Groceryshop is where the global grocery and CPG ecosystem unites to explore bleeding-edge trends and technologies. Learn from over 165 industry luminaries and find your next game-changing solution at Meetup, the largest meetings program ever in grocery and CPG.

Industry luminaries at Groceryshop

We're whipping up a fresh speaker lineup for Groceryshop 2024 and we're almost ready to spill the beans! Current Groceryshop speakers include:

Shoptalk Meetup

Meetup is back: Bigger, Better, Bolder

After hosting over 20,000 double opt-in meetings through Meetup at Groceryshop 2023, the industry’s most productive meetings platform is back at Groceryshop 2024.

A global community of decision makers

Attendees by sector

Retailers & Brands by seniority

Retailers & Brands by job function

The Groceryshop experience

The recipe for Groceryshop isn’t a closely guarded industry secret. Just take the most senior gathering of decision makers and combine 30+ hours of bleeding-edge insights, our Meetup platform, epic nighttime parties, and finish with a dash of quirkiness.