Personality Hacker

Free Personality Test

“It’s incredible to finally be understood.

Only 10 minutes to get an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.

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Feeling Stuck? Discover Your Life Path

Personality Life Path Mentorship

The Personality Life Path (PLP) mentorship uncovers blocks preventing you from finding life direction and purpose.

Through personalized guidance and deep psychological insights, PLP helps you align your actions with your true self, unlocking pathways to personal fulfillment and success.

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Antonia, since doing my profile with you,I have the validation to be me.Since my childhood I have felt like a square peg in a round hole. I have thoroughly researched my 'profile' through other avenues yet have not been provided with the detail that links it all together - you provided that for me.

— Helen McCarthy

First and foremost, thank you, thank you, thank you. The impact Personality Hacker has made on my life has been undoubtedly life changing. As a 29 year old, you have helped me discover I am an INFJ... I have spent my life feeling like I was made for another lifetime. Now I know why.

— Romi Freedman

As a faithful listener of the Personality Podcast and an INFJ, I want to extend my gratitude to you for your recent INFJ podcast. It hit home on so many levels and reminded me of how much I bring to the world, even with all the unique challenges I have faced. I plan to share it with my mom, another INFJ, soon (how lucky am I, as an INFJ, to have been raised by somebody who truly understands?!!). I also want to say how much I enjoy the podcasts and the website, and I hope you keep it going for a long time to come, because I will be listening and reading!

— Chelsea Rayman

Step into your role as a guide...

Personality Profiler Training

Profiler Training is our flagship program crafted for those ready to not only master their own development but also to guide others on their journey of self-discovery.

With over 100 hours of video and audio, monthly live Q&A calls, and life-changing live events, Profiler Training equips you with the knowledge, skills, and community support to become a certified personality profiler.

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I ran into Antonia for the first time while listening to a podcast. Hearing her talk, the ease and depth with which she discussed type struck me. At that time I was looking for a true professional that would be able to help me gain more insight into myself and I knew I had to connect with her. As we did our extended session, I had the pleasure of experiencing a very empathic, straightforward, clear and insightful woman. Antonia helped me find answers and see things about myself that were priceless. I recommend her to anyone looking for valuable answers!

— Tom de Kok

This is all encouraging me to continue along this path. But it really was your work introducing me to the Jungian typology that set me on the path... Through my interactions, I have forwarded a few people to your programs and I know they have found support in them just as I have.

— Samantha Vilppu

Just a word to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your podcasts!  I’m enjoying a bit of a sneak peek at each type, and also some of the other wide ranging relationship and type issues you raise.  The Imago relationships podcast was especially awesome. P.S. Currently re-listening to the intuitive awakening… just loving it!

— Carol Pearce

Explore Personality Types With Other Like-Minded Podcast Listeners

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Each week we gather to unpack the core idea of lesson from Joel & Antonia's most recent podcast episode.

We walk you through the inner work process that thousands of people have completed live, in-person, to permanently let go of fear, anxiety and past limitations.

During hotseat sessions, we go much deeper and personal to get to the root cause to remove self sabotaging habits and limiting beliefs; that guarantee you’ll walk away a new person.

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What Thinking & Feeling Really Do For Us | Podcast 538

What Thinking & Feeling Really Do For Us | Podcast 538

On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia dive into the crucial roles of Thinking and Feeling in our lives. Learn how these cognitive functions shape our decision-making processes and our emotional connections with others.

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What Sensing & Intuition Really Do For Us | PODCAST 537

What Sensing & Intuition Really Do For Us | PODCAST 537

On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia explore the dynamic ways we engage with the world through Sensing and Intuition. Discover how these cognitive functions help us experience life vividly and process our insights deeply.

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How To Love Yourself as an ESTP | Podcast 536

How To Love Yourself as an ESTP | Podcast 536

On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia dive into how ESTPs can use personality know-how to embrace and love who they are. The conversation also touches on what the other 15 personality types can learn from ESTPs about self-love.

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Meet Joel & Antonia

Joel Mark Witt & Antonia Dodge are authors, personality coaches, podcasters, and the founders of Personality Hacker; helping people leverage their own mental processes to optimize decision-making, productivity, communication, job satisfaction, and most importantly – happiness.

Since 2010 Joel & Antonia have consulted with organizations & clients including fortune 500 companies like Amazon, Zappos, Abbott, CNN, American Express, and Oracle.

They have taught hundreds of students in their Profiler Training Program, coached people from all walks of life in their Personality Life Path Mentorships, and reached thousands more all over the world with the Personality Hacker podcast, book, and online courses.

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Read The Book

Delve into this interactive guidebook to hack your mind and uncover your core identity.

Get past superficial markers of identity and discover the full makings of your personality type. Recognizing all aspects of who you really are will improve your confidence, compassion, decision-making process and success.

This book outlines the information and tools you need to harness the power of your personality type and realize your full potential, including:

• Detailed Personality Test
• Interactive Journal Prompts
• Myers-Briggs Explanation
• Personal Growth Techniques
• Cognitive Functions Breakdown
• Relationship and Career Assistance

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"Personality Vital Signs" Masterclass - May 7

"Personality Vital Signs" Masterclass - May 7

You are invited to join us for a complementary workshop on May 7, "Personality Vital Signs: Mapping the 8 Systems of Your Life"

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INFP vs INFJ: 5 Surprising Differences To Tell Them Apart

INFP vs INFJ: 5 Surprising Differences To Tell Them Apart

INFP vs INFJ: These two personality types can be difficult to tell apart. This personality type showdown outlines 5 surprising differences.

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Our Top Podcast Episodes of 2023

Our Top Podcast Episodes of 2023

It’s time to carry on our annual Personality Hacker tradition. We’re here to bring you a wrap of our 12 most-listened-to podcast episodes of 2023. Why not take a listen to our top episodes and let us keep you company...

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