The Ideal Companion for Making the Perfect Wine, Beer or Kombucha

Vinmetrica provides kits and supplies to measure SO2, Malic, TA, Sugar, pH, Alcohol, Dissolved Oxygen, YAN, and lab services for analysis of Brett, Brix, Color and almost any other fermentation indicator that can be measured.

Analyzer Kits Lab Services Gift Cards SO2 Refills

Latest News from Our Shop:

  • CLOSED: Our offices are closed Wednesday May 29 - Monday June 3. We will be at the Winemaker Mag. Conference! See you there.

  • Visit our Troubleshooting Guide for help diagnosing any issues with your SC series unit.

Easy to Use

A single kit includes everything you need to start measuring.

Fast Results

Get tests results for SO2, MLF, pH/TA, ABV, Residual Sugar, DO, and YAN with ease.


Dependable and precise results take out all the guesswork.


Some of our tests are about $1 per test or less.

Stellar Support

We want to empower you on your quest to craft the finest wines, beers, ciders & more.


We offer seminars and publish content on the art and science of making fine wine.

What people are saying

The SO2 device is worth its weight in gold.

~ ddeck via /r/winemaking

The Vinmetrica SC-100 allows me to accurately test 6 or 8 wines for Free SO2 in less than an hour including setup time vs spending an entire afternoon testing wines using the AO method. The test results correlate within a few ppm of results from commercial test labs.

Anyone getting into home winemaking should seriously consider the SC-100 as one of their key investments.

~ Doyle Souders, Sunnyvale, California

I bought the SC 300 with the pro tower and Burette.

Essentially, I created my own small lab right in my barrel room. This has proven to be one of the most effective investments I’ve made here at Bodegas Cieli. Instead of waiting and wondering about the next lab analysis, I schedule lab work each month when we top barrels. We don’t test one or two barrels, we test all my barrels.

The process is straight forward, high school chemistry lab, with a very simple mathematical conversion that is explained with the equipment manual. I’ve cross checked my results now with a professional lab in Paso Robles and find my own analysis for Free SO2 - pH - TA - Total SO2 to consistently be within very tiny variance to their lab analysis of my same samples. The tests are easy to perform and repeatable with a high degree of accuracy.

One of the best investments I’ve made for initiating maceration and fermentation and ultimately for preserving and protecting my barrel aging wine. I highly recommend this product to anyone in our industry or even the first time winemaker at home. Great product!

~ Ron McCabe, Bodegas Cieli Winery & Brewery

Oxygen management in winemaking is as – if not more – important than managing SO2 levels in making truly great wines.

And now, Vinmetrica has made it possible and affordable for home winemakers to easily measure dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in wine using a galvanic-type electrode that connects to an SC-200 or SC-300 analyzer. The electrode performed very well compared to instruments that cost even one order of magnitude more. The SC-300 analyzer and DO probe are now my go-to instruments for monitoring DO levels in my wines.

~ Daniel Pambianchi

This is a great product! I needed to get a full analysis of my wine prior to bottling so I ran tests with the SC300 3 days before a commercial lab. Two wines analyzed.

Wine #1
My results:              pH 3.65, TA 0.59, Free SO2 30 ppm
Commercial Lab: pH 3.68, TA 0.544, Free SO2 32 ppm
Wine #2
My Results:             pH 3.52, TA 0.70, Free SO2 24 ppm

Commercial Lab: pH 3.58, TA 0.672, Free SO2 21 ppm
Don’t know about you, but this is certainly close enough for me and this is food product we are measuring, NOT a pharmaceutical. One more thing, I am not a big believer in expiration dates on drugs or reagents. I think if stored well, they last way longer than professed. My tests were done with Vinmetrica reagents that are 7-8 months old. They say they are only good for 6 months. I disagree. Store them well in a cool environment and I think they last easily twice as long. [Note from Vinmetrica: our SO2 and pH/TA reagents now have a 2-year expiration.]
~ Fred Vernacchia