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Study Shows Potential Risks of EMF Shielding, Despite Harms of EMF Exposure

Study Shows Potential Risks of EMF Shielding, Despite Harms of EMF Exposure

Shielding or blocking electromagnetic fields is one of the most commonly used methods of EMF protection.  Since EMFs are a...

The Dangers of Dirty Electricity

The Dangers of Dirty Electricity

Modern technology has brought a multitude of conveniences that have changed our lives to the core, and most of us...

The Health, Safety and Privacy Concerns of Smart Meters

The Health, Safety and Privacy Concerns of Smart Meters

About 15 years ago, a new kind of home electric meter with special capabilities came onto the scene, promising consumers...

Study Shows Potential Risks of EMF Shielding, Despite Harms of EMF Exposure

Study Shows Potential Risks of EMF Shielding, Despite Harms of EMF Exposure

Shielding or blocking electromagnetic fields is one of the most commonly used methods of EMF protection.  Since EMFs are a...

The Dangers of Dirty Electricity

The Dangers of Dirty Electricity

Modern technology has brought a multitude of conveniences that have changed our lives to the core, and most of us...

The Health, Safety and Privacy Concerns of Smart Meters

The Health, Safety and Privacy Concerns of Smart Meters

About 15 years ago, a new kind of home electric meter with special capabilities came onto the scene, promising consumers...