Sharing the art of Tatreez Worldwide - Shipping internationally from the US. Sharing the art of Tatreez Worldwide - Shipping internationally from the US.

    Eid al-Adha shines as a beacon of hope and resilience for Palestinians. This sacred occasion reminds us of the enduring spirit and unity within our community.

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    Sacred Significance

    Jerusalem is a treasure trove of culture and history, reflecting Palestine's essence in every corner.

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    Every contribution matters
    Your non-profit contributions play a huge role in bringing a positive change to the lives of our women artisans and their families in Palestine. Donations are Zakat eligible and endorsed by Al-Sheikh Ebad Al-Hamid Atah Bethlehem, Palestine. All donations are tax-deductible
    Each purchase is a gift
    Darzah is a project of a non-profit enterprise called Child's Cup Full. 80% of every dollar you spend goes into creating long-term job opportunities for women in Palestine
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    Tahriri is a traditional form of Palestinian embroidery, characterized by its intricate geometric patterns and vibrant colors. It is often used to adorn traditional garments such as dresses, shawls, and scarves, serving as a cultural expression and symbol of Palestinian identity.

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    Tatreez is a form of traditional embroidery practiced across various Middle Eastern and North African cultures, particularly prominent in Palestinian and Jordanian communities. This art form involves intricate stitching using colorful threads to create geometric patterns and motifs

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