• Simultaneously one of the oldest and newest national holidays. Juneteenth commerates the ending of slavery in the United States, June 19, 1865

  • 2024 Minnesota Flag

    A bit more controversy surrounding this potential new flag but flag lovers agree the design is solid. We are just glad to see another state flag move away from the blue background, state seal in the center design. If all goes to plan the new flag of Minnesota will take effect May 11, 2024.

  • customnauticalflags

    Did you know that we specialize in custom 12 inch by 18 inch outdoor flags?  We have the largest selection of nautical courtesy flags of any flag company.  Don't see one you want?  Just call and ask and we will make it for you!

  • fireworks

    Happy 248th Birthday America-

    Have fun celebrating the event with fireworks, apple pies, bbq's, and other fun activites.  Just don't forget the most important decoration of all- the American flag!

  • We love flags......the more obscure the better; from small city flags and regional flags to colorful flags under dispute.  Some flags we make just because we like them...so if you don't see something give us a call!

Season of long days and warm nights!
bonne fete nationale
Or Bonne Fête Nationale as the French would say!
Arrrgh matey!  
nautical flags
Code Signals, Officer Flags, Courtesy Flags, even novelty nautical...
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