Red Bull Rampage

Matt Jones rolling on Gravitas for Rampage

Explore the range

Mini Mullet wheelset

As ridden by Kriss Kyle in his latest video 'Turkish delight'


Introducing Silver

You asked, we listened! Silver is now available in three of our models - Gravitas, Vapour GXC and Vapour 35

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Free Jersey With Orders Over Β£200

Choose your jersey and size at the checkout - one per order


An amazing limited offer, saving you over Β£137.98.


Chaos – World Championship Winning Dirt Jumping Wheels

Explore the Range

Crafted to Perform

Carbaura. Our fastest wheels yet!

Range Overview

Lighting The Way All Year Round

Pre-built wheels with SP Dynamo hubs, available in most wheel sizes and fittings

See the range

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Why Choose Halo?

From your first day in the saddle to taking the top step of the podium, Halo has you covered.

Designed in the UK

We're a small team who have been designing, building and testing components in some of the toughest conditions for well over 20 years now

Hand Built Wheels

All of our wheels are hand-built, with care and attention to ensure that spokes are perfectly tensioned and your wheels roll true for lap after lap or mile after mile

Pre-taped Tubeless

Our tubeless-ready wheels come pre-taped, so there's one less thing to worry about when you receive your wheels

What's happening

Haven't you heard? We have a blog now!
Keep an eye out for stories from the Halo Team, our opinions on the latest product developments in the industry, and round-ups of the events we've been attending.