Now Available: Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life [Video-based Bible Study]

Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life Bible Study

On the surface, the book of Amos doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a call for us to “seek God and live” (Amos 5:4). Amos’ prophesy prompts us to care for others—displaying true righteousness, not just religious ritual—and the result will change you and those around you. You’ll discover Amos is promoting the God life, and the God life is the good life!

Join me for this 8-session video-based study of the book of Amos, and together we’ll unearth the gems hidden within one of the most overlooked books in the Bible. You’ll be assured of God’s presence, grow deeper in faith, and find renewed hope that life is good … even when it’s not.

Learn More and Order Your Study Book

Can I Pray Scripture Over the People I Love? With Sharon Jaynes [Episode 300]

Pray Scripture People Love Sharon Jaynes

Prayer doesn’t come easy for everyone. Whether we’re praying for ourselves or for someone else, it can be such a thing sometimes, can’t it? Well, it doesn’t have to be.

Today, you are going to learn a refreshing and practical way to pray for the people you love. And believe me, you’re going to love this because it’s easy to remember and easy to do each time you interact with all your people!

Can I Build a Strong and Beautiful Life? With Anh Lin [Episode 299]

Build Strong Beautiful Life Anh Lin

We all long for lasting peace and stability, whether we’re healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply trying to find a quiet path forward in a chaotic world.

So today on the 4:13, author Anh Lin vulnerably shares how she rebuilt her life following the instability and trauma of her early years. With Christ as her new foundation, she assembled a framework for her life anchored in biblical truth—the beginnings of her “forever home.”

Spill the Beans LIVE with Annie F. Downs and Laura Story at Fresh Grounded Faith Plant City, FL [Episode 298]

Spill Beans Plant City Florida Fresh Grounded Faith Annie F. Downs Laura Story Jennifer Rothschild

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What do you do to unwind? What’s your favorite smell or sound?

These are just a few of the questions we were asked as we sat around the bistro table in Plant City, Florida at a Fresh Grounded Faith event.

Author and podcaster Annie F. Downs and singer-songwriter Laura Story were with me, and these women gave so much insight and inspiration when we spilled the beans.

Can I Persevere When I Want to Quit? With Nick Connolly [Episode 297]

persevere want quit nick connolly

With each wave of resistance in life, it can be so tempting to simply give up—to quit the calling, to leave the relationship, to walk away from all the dreams God may have placed on your heart.

But here’s a little secret…

When we experience resistance, sometimes it indicates we’re right where we should be. Because God is with us in the trenches, and there’s reward and renewal on the other side.

Can I Survive the End of the World As I Know It? With Amy Lively [Episode 296]

Survive World End Amy Lively

“How could this happen?” “What do I do now?” “This is not what I wanted for my life.”

When your life is turned upside down and you realize it’s the end of your hopes and dreams, your plans and ambitions, and what you thought life would be like … it can seem like the end of the world. Or at least the world as you know it.

Whether it’s a personal crisis, national chaos, or global catastrophe, it can feel like all hope is lost. But, my friend, hope is not lost!

Building Bridges of Faith: A Recap of Fresh Grounded Faith in Chesapeake, VA

Last weekend, over 800 women from all walks of life gathered at Great Bridge Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia for an unforgettable event: Fresh Grounded Faith. With the support of 10 co-host churches, our time together became a powerful testament to the strength of the body of Christ and the unifying power of faith.

Fresh Grounded Faith, Chesapeake, Virginia, Michael O'Brien, Ann Voskamp, Jennifer Rothschild, Tammy Trent, Shaun Groves

Thank you to Rebecca Reynolds and Will Pickering for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

And, as it turns out, the location itself has a history deep-rooted in resilience and unity.

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