5-in-1 Support

Ovega-3® products are vegan and contain both DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids to support heart, brain, eye, joint, & overall health.*

50% of marine life has declined in the last 50 years. Over-fishing and reliance on fish for supplements has been a major factor.

Algae is the original source of omega-3’s. Fish don’t produce it, they get it from the algae they eat. You don’t need fish to make omega-3 supplements. Just the plants they feed on.

You still take fish oil?

Ovega-3® products are a more sustainable way to get the omega-3s your body wants. Powered by plants, proven by science. There's nothing fishy about it.

Most Americans don't consume enough omega-3s

With the help of Ovega-3® products, we have the ability to sustainably meet global needs for omega-3s.

You wouldn’t eat a monkey to get the health benefits of a banana. And yet, we take fish oil supplements to boost our omega-3s intake. But here’s the thing: fish don’t make omega-3s. They get them from the microalgae they eat. And so can we.
NASA discovered the oceans’ abundant microalgae is a rich source of DHA and EPA. Since 1985, our labs have built on that research to pioneer using algae-based DHA omega-3s in baby milk – nourishing an estimated 100 million little ones worldwide so far.
Now we’re packing those plant-based DHA & EPA omega-3's into Ovega-3® softgels. So we can all go straight to the source and get the same brain and heart benefits.* Maximum impact on our health, and does not deplete the ocean's supply of fish.
A Sustainably-Sourced Alternative to Fish Oil.    A Sustainably-Sourced Alternative to Fish Oil.    A Sustainably-Sourced Alternative to Fish Oil.    A Sustainably-Sourced Alternative to Fish Oil.    A Sustainably-Sourced Alternative to Fish Oil.