Are You Suffering From Chronic Joint Pain or Peripheral Neuropathy?

The Secret To Increasing Blood Flow, Reducing Numbness, Tingling, and Chronic Joint Pain By Up To 85%

(Without Medication, Injections or Surgery Even If You've Been Told There's Nothing You Can Do In The Past...)

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About The ReBuilder®

David Phillips, MD PhD

My father was an avid bowler. That was his whole life. He had open heart coronary artery bypass surgery and one of the byproducts of the surgery was peripheral neuropathy. He couldn't walk very much afterward. He didn't want to walk and couldn't, therefore, bowl. As a result of that, he got extremely depressed.

I watched my dad go from a very healthy, active, laughing person to very depressed person ready to give up on life. I knew I had to do something to help my father get his life back. I've got a history in medical research and inventing medical products, so I put my mind to it, and I invented the ReBuilder® to increase muscle strength, blood supply, and eliminate the pain. The ReBuilder® worked! He got his life back and I got my father back. Now I am on a personal journey to help others regain their life and start living again...

Are You Suffering With Chronic Joint or Nerve Pain?

Introducing The ReBuilder®

94% Success Rate for Chronic Joint And Nerve Pain

The ReBuilder is a simple to operate, medical device that fits in your hand and sends tiny electrical signals to your nerves and muscles. These signals are an exact copy of normal nerve signals but larger so they can wake up sleeping nerves and strengthen muscles.

What Is The ReBuilder?

The ReBuilder® is a highly advanced medical device designed to provide relief for individuals suffering from chronic joint pain and peripheral neuropathy.

It operates by delivering gentle electrical impulses to stimulate the nerves and muscles, which promotes better blood flow, reduces inflammation, and helps re-educate the nerves to diminish pain signals.

The ReBuilder® is FDA-cleared and has been used successfully in clinical settings for over 30 years, including prestigious institutions like Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

It offers a non-invasive, drug-free solution to managing chronic pain and neuropathy, helping users regain their mobility and improve their overall quality of life.

Why Trust The ReBuilder®

Over 500 Case Studies Completed

ReBuilder Medical, Inc. conducted an internal feedback study evaluating 500 cases. This study observed several different factors to determine the success rate in patients, including average pain level, highest level of pain, and improvement in quality of life.

The most common comments in the study questionnaire were "miraculous relief," "I can feel my feet again, " I am no longer suicidal," and "I have a life again."

Initially and at the end of 10 treatment sessions, the average pain level was calculated. Observations indicate an average reduction in pain by 27.35% and an increase in quality of life by 81.14%. A decrease in symptoms was reported by 95.76% of patients, and 74.56% of patients felt immediate relief after the first session.

The ReBuilder® Is Prescribed By Over 3,000 Physicians

The ReBuilder® Is Used To Help Veterans Across The USA Through VA Hospitals Learn More >>

See What Others Say About The ReBuilder ®

"The biggest miracle I've experienced..."

"A friend told me about this, so I got it, and it's the biggest miracle I've experienced. I have feeling back in my toes, I don't have that stabbing pain. It's amazing!" Mrs. Lacasse, CA

I live with peripheral neuropathy that is particularly prevalent in my feet and ankles. Approximately seven years ago a chiropractor recommended the Rebuilder system, which I have used almost daily since then.

A simple 30-minute procedure, the Rebuilder has provided great relief for my neuropathic symptoms, and it helps me to feel that I have some control over this incurable disease. The Rebuilder has done its job and continues to do its job in relieving my symptoms of neuropathy. Without question, I highly recommend this product as part of an ongoing program for treatment for neuropathy.


I have used ReBuilder for the last seven or eight years after developing pain in my feet. I watched my father use it successfully before me as he had also developed pain in his feet and he was able to discontinue the use of prescription medication because of using ReBuilder. As a farmer and rancher, it is critically important for me to be physically able to meet the daily responsibilities of my job. Using ReBuilder enables me to work every day, doing work I love, without the use of any additional medications. I strongly recommend ReBuilder for anyone wanting to avoid prescription medications while looking for pain relief.


I was diagnosed with small nerve fiber nerve damage in 2007 after many years of pain (~8 years), many doctor visits and many wrong diagnoses. Initially, I was given gabapentin and Duloxetine (for the foot pain - in both feet). The dosage of gabapentin was upped gradually, and it seemed to work. Then, pregabalin was approved, and my doc decided to wean me off of the gabapentin and start pregabalin. For me, it was a terrible choice. Finally, it was my Chiropractor who solved the problem with an at-home treatment called the ReBuilder.


"Walking again after using the ReBuilder® within 2 weeks!"

"Within two weeks of it arriving my father was using it daily, and he was up and walking...not just walking but pacing around... It really has been an absolute life-changer and a miracle for my father." Roy Tucker from the UK with his father's ReBuilder® experience.

AMAZING review with the ReBuilder® after their first in-home treatment!

"The ReBuilder actually works... I have no more pain in my left foot." Rick from TN after using the ReBuilder for one week.

"The ReBuilder® has changed my life!"

"I had never used electricity to solve anything in my life, but I was willing to give this one a try... It changed my life for the better and I hope it will do the same for you." Gail from CA has used the ReBuilder for years..

Hi, there. People from ReBuiilder Medical . I've been suffering from severe nerve pain for more than 25 years. At the beginning it wasn't so painful so, I didn't worry about it. But the sickness is chronic and by year 2002 the pain was unbearable . Doctors told me they would never find a cure and that I would end up my days in extreme pain in a wheelchair or in bed and without movement. I had a pain in my legs, arms and back 24 hours a day.

I gave up my work. I started using ReBuilder in year 2017 and I have to say it works like a dream. I don't know if I am healed completely, but I had to drink ten different medications every day and now I stopped. I can walk more than five miles a day and I feel a normal tiredness. Nothing incapacitating. So, I think you have given me a second opportunity in my life. God bless you for that. thank you, a million times.


Happy Nerves With The ReBuilder®

94% Success Rate for Chronic Nerve Pain


"Pain is reduced and it is amazing so far after only 3 days of use. Maybe this will be the answer to years of incapacitation." G.S.

ReBuilder® For Veterans

The ReBuilder® Is Used To Help Veterans Across The USA Through VA Hospitals

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Common Questions

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy is nerve damage that causes symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, swelling, or muscle weakness in different parts of the body.

What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?

There are more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy, each with its own set of symptoms and prognosis. Some of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy are: diabetes, cancer, chemotherapy, use of certain drugs, medications, excessive alcohol use, poisons (such as insecticides and solvents), injuries or infections.

Can Peripheral Neuropathy Be Reversed?

Peripheral Neuropathy can be reversed to an extent. This really depends on the cause and the severity of the nerve damage.

Does the ReBuilder® Treatment Hurt?

Not at all. The ReBuilder® treatment feels good. The signal that it sends out feels like a tiny, tingling massage that quickly pulses on and off. The patient can manually adjust the intensity setting to deliver optimum comfort. Treatment typically brings color and warmth back to the feet and extremities as a result of increased blood flow. It also relaxes the muscles, delivering pain relief.

How Is The ReBuilder® Different From A TENS?

The ReBuilder® requires a prescription, while a common over the counter TENS device can overload your nerves with dangerously high power and send its unnatural impulses at too high a frequency. Every person gets the same unchanging signal, and this signal stops all their normal nerve impulses (both sensory and motor) and can thus cause numbness resulting in permanent damage. Common TENS do not discriminate between sensory nerves and motor nerves, so they can overstimulate muscles, causing muscle imbalances, resulting in falls. Using a common over-the-counter device for peripheral neuropathy is contraindicated. If your doctor is suggesting treating your nerve pain with a non-prescription TENS device, seek another doctor immediately!

What Is The Success Rate Of The ReBuilder®?

The ReBuilder® has over a 94% success rate!* This is supported by over 500,000 customers and many peer-reviewed studies. The ReBuilder® has been in production since 1988, with continual technical improvements. You can be confident that your ReBuilder® is an ethical, safe, and effective treatment for your symptoms.

I've Been Told There Is Nothing That Can Be Done To Help My Nerve Pain?

There is help for nerve pain, and painful neuropathy symptoms - most times they are completely eliminated during treatment. With continued use, the level of post-treatment relief improves. The beneficial effects will last longer and longer with repeated use of ReBuilder®. After about 6-8 weeks of two 30-minute daily treatments, patients will be able to reduce their treatments to once per day and then to 2-3 treatments per week for maintenance.

Will The ReBuilder® Help With My Type Of Nerve Pain?

Yes, ReBuilder® therapy provides successful outcomes for all types of neuropathy regardless of the cause. It does not matter if your neruopathy is idiopathic, meaning the doctors can not find the cause, or if the cause is known, the ReBuilder® therapy provides great results on all types of neuropathy.

Start Getting Relief From Nerve Pain Today!

⭐️ "Pain is reduced and it is amazing so far after only 3 days of use. Maybe this will be the answer to years of incapacitation."George, S.

🙌 "Not as much pain in my feet and legs during the night." Mary, S.

😇 "The circulation in my feet is amazing now. The ReBuilder has been my angel." Samuel, M.

Learn More About How The ReBuilder Can Help You!

And Knock Out Nerve Pain For Good...

The ReBuilder® has been in production for 27 years, prescribed by over 3,000 physicians and used by over 1,000,000 patients successfully. It is made in the US, in an FDA accredited facility, by US citizens.

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ReBuilder® is not affiliated with any of the studies mentioned on the website. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results. The information on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Always consult with your personal physician before making any medical decisions. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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