HTS-735-II Fluxless Aluminum Brazing Rod

Weld Aluminum
pontoon & aluminum boat repair with a Propane Torch

Simple | Versatile | Portable | No Flux | Low Temperature
| Stores Indefinitely | Any Heat Source

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The HTS-735-II Fluxless Brazing Rod is the “second generation” Fluxless Aluminum Brazing Rod and is MADE In THE USA. These low-heat 18 inch brazing rod repairs most nonferrous metals. Anyone can easily Weld Aluminum with a Propane Torch.

Join the thousands of customers that have easily repaired Aluminum Pontoon Boats, Aluminum Boats, Weld Aluminum Square Tubing, Cast Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Pot Metal and Magnesium. HTS-735-II will join all aluminum alloys, including those that are not successfully joined by high temperature brazing. When drawn over heated aluminum, HTS-735 II penetrates the aluminum oxide creating a chemical bond (Eutectic Bond) that is stronger than the original commercial aluminum. Results are unquestionable. The aluminum brazing rods repairs are stronger than new.

Unlike the old first generation rods still sold today on other sites, HTS-735-11 does not require special stainless steel cleaning brushes. This patented new technology product penetrates past impurities which may be impossible for the competitors products.
If you have a question about a specific repair feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help you out. If you are ready to get started, you can ORDER NOW!

Save Hundreds of Dollars by Repairing Broken...

The electrical potential between HTS -735 II and aluminum is so slight that electrochemical corrosion is not a problem. The HTS-735-II joints will last permanently in normal environments and have lasted 10 years longer in severe conditions. Contact Us today for more information.

HTS-735-II Fluxless Brazing Rod

Second Generation Aluminum Repair Rod