The Native-Led Forensics Lab Dedicated to Solving Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Cases
The Native-Led Forensics Lab Dedicated to Solving Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Cases
The Native-Led Forensics Lab Dedicated to Solving Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Cases The first of its kind, Montana’s Ohkomi Forensics nonprofit serves as a beacon of hope in what has begun to feel like a hopeless situation.

The Overview Book

An anthology of meditative essays from Atmos Editor-in-Chief Willow Defebaugh alongside immersive photography of ecosystems around the world, The Overview: Meditations on Nature for a World in Transition is a pathway for reconnecting with nature through reverence, balance, evolution, and healing.

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60 Seconds on Earth,Anthropocene,Art & Culture,Climate Migration,Black Liberation,Changemakers,Democracy,Environmental Justice,Photography,Earth Sounds,Deep Ecology,Indigeneity,Queer Ecology,Ethical Fashion,Ocean Life,Climate Solutions,The Frontline,The Overview,Biodiversity,Common Origins,Fabricating Change,Future of Food,Identity & Community,Movement Building,Science & Nature,Well Being,