Our Mission

Prepare great women for the world. Prepare the world for great women.

The Miss Michigan Scholarship Program is a part of the Miss America Organization, which is one of the largest scholarship providers for women in the world. Join us in our mission to empower women by competing, volunteering, or donating to the Miss Michigan Scholarship Program.


    Why enter? Because you can..

    -Gain experience & develop life skills

    -Earn quality scholarship funds for college and graduate school, regardless of whether a title is won

    -Make lifelong friendships and relationships

    -Develop a sense of responsibility for helping others

    -Foster a positive, self-motivated mindset to achieve your goals

    -Receive recognition for your efforts in bettering yourself and your community

    -AND MORE!

    Get started here! 

    Volunteering in the Miss Michigan Organization is an incredible way to give back to your local community while empowering the nation’s next generation of female leaders.

    Local competitions are the foundation of the Miss Michigan Program. Our Local Executive Directors contribute thousands of hours every year to ensure our participants have an enjoyable experience, learning new skills and making new friends.

    Thousands of volunteers across the country invest in our participants by helping them increase their confidence and achieve their dreams.

    Community service is one of the pillars of the Miss America Organization and our volunteers are crucial to the program’s continued success.

    Get started here!