Coming Very Soon
Dear Visitors, It is with both a heavy heart and profound gratitude that we write to you today. After an incredible journey, we must share the news that we have made the difficult decision to shut down. This has been an emotional and challenging choice for us, but we believe it is the right one for our family and business. Since our humble beginnings during lockdown, we have been blessed to serve 8681 wonderful customers, including many of you who are reading this message. Your unwavering support, loyalty, and kindness have touched our hearts deeply. We are immensely grateful for every moment you've spent with us and for every purchase you made. As many of you know, running this business has been a labour of love, fuelled by our passion for what we do. However, life's demands have grown significantly since those early days. Balancing full-time jobs, raising two children, and nurturing this venture has been an arduous juggling act. We are humbled by the understanding and support most of you showed during our struggles and we take pride in the the positive impact we hope we've on many of your little ones. As we bid farewell to this website, we want to express our deepest appreciation to every single one of you who has been a part of this remarkable journey. Your patronage, feedback, and presence have made all the difference. Once again, thank you for being there for us, for sharing this experience, and for making it all worthwhile. Your support has meant the world to us, and we are forever grateful. Liz, Al, Henry and Alice