Internet of Things Exploitation

A step-by-step journey to learn practical and cutting-edge techniques of analyzing IoT solutions. It will give a strong foundation knowledge of IoT devices, and skillsets to reverse, analyze and exploit firmware, embedded devices, radio, communication protocols, and come up with your unique exploitation techniques to find 0-days and new security vulnerabilities in smart connected devices.

Bundled with the IoT Exploitation Learning Kit, you will get an at-home IoT lab that includes real-world smart devices, research hardware & exploitation tools, with detailed step-by-step videos, a printed lab manual and Slack Community access - so that you are never stuck.  

Android and iOS Exploitation

Since the first run of the class in 2013, we have continuously updated the “Advanced Android and iOS Hands-on Exploitation” class to make it one of the most in-depth, practical and hands-on Mobile application exploitation class available anywhere. In this class, you will analyze, reverse and exploit numerous Android and you will work with Android and iOS applications learning how to see patterns to identify vulnerabilities at a rapid pace, and gain a mindset that enables you to outcompete everyone else.

You will learn about topics like Insecure IPCs, insecure data, application protection bypasses, dynamic instrumentation, deep linking, reversing and more.

Attify helps you become a better pentester.

Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Attify is a global leader in providing training offerings to individuals, startups, large businesses and government agencies. We are the creators of two popular training classes “Offensive IoT Exploitation” and “Advanced Android and iOS Hands-on Exploitation”, and have authored numerous books and trained professionals from 30+ countries over the past 7 years. We also run Attify-Store: an online store for security assessment gear.

Cutting-edge InfoSec training on IoT & Mobile

Conduct a private training class at your organisation - both on-site and online. Attify customizes the training class to meet your team goals and helps you and your team become better. All our trainings are hands-on and focus on a learning-by-doing approach. Our training classes are proven & tested across industries and verticals, and is carefully crafted with 1000s of hours of learnings put into course, resulting in a delivery that saves you time and accelerates your progress

Attify Store

To help practitioners and professionals all across the world, Attify runs Attify-Store, an online marketplace for security gear. We also offer online versions of our training class, as well as devices such as IoT Exploitation Learning Kit, Attify Badge, APIMote and more.

Recent posts from our blog


Exploiting Bluetooth Low Energy using Gattacker for IoT

In this post, we are going to discuss about how to take over a BLE based IoT smart bulb, sniff the communication packets and perform modification and replay based attacks - all in a setup that costs < $10.

Some of the things we are going to cover in this post:

  • Installing and Configuring Gattacker

  • Analyzing Advertisement and Service packets for an IoT device

  • Overhearing and dumping the data transferred between the mobile and the device

  • Performing a replay attack with the dumped file

Read the full post here


Introduction to the Attify Badge

Welcome to the new blog post by Attify. In this blog post, we will introduce our newest creation – Attify Badge, something which we use in order to perform hardware exploitation and to hack IoT devices.

This is also covered extensively in our training course “Offensive IoT Exploitation”, where we teach attendees on how to exploit the smart devices. We use this to perform UART sniffing, root over serial, JTAG debugging, dumping memory and so on.

Read the full post here.