Welcome to Intentions Jewelry

An intention is the form and structure of something that you wish to have. It is being so focused on that wish, that it leaves no doubt in the universe that you will indeed create it. These are not thoughts that are simple idle musings. Rather, they are clear focused thoughts that resonate with the highest vibration of your being.

Ask yourself, what is it that you truly wish to have? What does your soul long for? Do you still believe that manifesting your deepest desires is possible? Or have you given up the dream because it seems unattainable? Perhaps you have just buried it deep within you.

Look deep within you. Take a breath. Believe. Intend. Create. When you choose to live with your intentions, you allow LOVE to guide you every step of the way. You keep your mind and heart open to the abundant possibilities that our Creator has promised to us all. When you choose to live with your intentions, you live with purpose, kindness, authentic power, creativity and beauty. You begin to live in the harmonious vibration that connects us all.

From One Goddess to Another,
Shareane Baff

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Archangels Collection

Ascended Masters, Gods & Goddesses Collection

James Van Praagh Collection

Colette Baron-Reid Collection

Affirmations, Portals, & Sedona Collections



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I’ve spent 2 hours sitting with the energies of your bracelets and I have quite a list going. They are so awesome!!! It’s so hard to narrow it down. I’ve always prayed to Mother Mary since I was a child. I prayed to her on my wedding day to be a mother. I’ve had health issues and needed medical assistance to get pregnant. We tried the Invitro method and we got pregnant on the first try. We now have a beautiful daughter who was born on Mother’s Day. Mother Mary let me know she heard my prayers, and if having my daughter on Mother’s Day wasn’t a sign, I don’t know what could be clearer. It was great that the bracelet had really strong vibrations for me, and I think I didn’t look at the name until I got a feel for the energy of the bracelet. Thanks so much for your beautiful bracelets. I will be honored and so excited to wear mine when I buy them.

Much Laughter,

Hi Shareane,

Oh my God this is amazing. I am really excited!! I am having quite the experience with Thoth actually it’s almost as if I was supposed to have some alone time with him. You can probably explain better than I what is happening to me, it is as if I am most like him, and it is as if our energies are able to intertwine as a result. I wasn’t even thinking about Thoth when I came, so it’s a surprise. My wrists are still burning; I don’t know if that is supposed to happen with Thoth too or if that is still Merlin. Your bracelets have touched me and transformed me in ways that I never conceived or could have understood. I am very grateful and appreciate your gifts tremendously. Thank you so very much! My friend Alexandra LOVES her Archangel Chamuel bracelet. She has already started to shift and open up. It’s amazing to watch. So one more thank you : )
