Premium feed for horses, goats, pigs and more

Conveniently delivered to your home

We understand your time is valuable and your nutrition expectations are high. Skip the hassle of hay hunting! Our sprout pellets are delivered straight to your home or stable on a customized schedule, without requiring any additional equipment from you. Say goodbye to wasted hay left on the ground and enjoy a reliable, convenient feed source.

Sprouts are perfect for horses

Make the switch to sprout pellets today


Slow Release Energy

Medalist's sprout pellets have low NSC and vet recommended optimal protein with 50% more energy than alfalfa hay alone. That's because barley sprouts are a slow-release, cool energy source which improves mood and ridability.


Healthy Coat and Hooves

Barley Grass is nutrient dense with Protein, Copper, Zinc, and Vitamin A that have a direct impact on the health and shine of your horse's coat and hooves.


Reduced Inflammation

Barley grass is not just high in phytonutrients, but also rich in anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A that naturally reduce inflammation.


Improved Hydration

You can lead a horse to water... but what if he won't drink? If you have a stubborn horse that you know needs more water, our pellets will completely soak in 5-10 minutes giving you a great way to help your horse stay hydrated.


Improved Digestion

The enzymes and fiber content that comes from sprouted barley provides food for friendly gut bacteria which produce short-chain fatty acids. These SCFA's in turn keep the gut healthy and strong.


Aids in Recovery

Barley grass is a great source for essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. This aids in recovery by increasing protein synthesis and reducing oxidative stress.

One Super Sack =  40  2-string bales of hay

Saves so much space!

Our super sacks take up only 1/5 of the space than hay does. Plus, with monthly deliveries, you can buy as much as you need and only pay per order. No more ordering a year's worth of feed in one transaction. This not only offers convenience but is also better for your budget.

1500 is the new 2000

Our sprout pellets are a better source of energy and nutrition for your horses which means that one super sack of sprout pellets can last as long as one full ton of hay. Additionally, sprout pellets are waste-free, so you won't have to deal with any leftover stems that your horses won't eat. This will result in cleaner stables, less waste, and more space for your horses to roam around. Switching to sprout pellets is the way to go!

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