Father's Day Gift Ideas
Father's Day Gift Ideas

Father's Day June 16th

Give the gift of fitness!

Train Hard

Mindset is everything

Keep Pushing

Earn your gains

Discover Yourself

Experience the joy of yoga

Gloves Up

Never lose your fight

Intelligent Training

Fitness Keeps Moving...

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Woman perfoming a yoga pose on a yoga mat

Choosing the right yoga gear: mats, blocks, and accessories for your practice

Starting a yoga journey holds the potential for profound transformation, and having appropriate gear can greatly amplify your experience. Whether offering support, stability, or aiding in alignment, yoga equipment is pivotal in maximising your sessions. This guide explores indispensable yoga gear—mats, blocks, and accessories—offering valuable insights to empower informed decisions for your practice.
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Woman doing stretching exercises on an exercise mat in the garden

How To Use The Square Foot Gardening Method To Motivate Yourself To Get Fit

We all desire fitness – endurance, flexibility, strength, fat loss, muscle gain – the works. Yet, these aspirations often flood our minds simultaneously (hello, New Year's resolutions), leading to frustration and discouragement when progress feels elusive. It's disheartening to invest effort and fall short of our goals, leading many to abandon them altogether, leaving us feeling defeated. However, achieving our desired outcome is possible, considering many have already succeeded.
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Parkinson's Mum and Daughter

What’s it really like living with Parkinson’s?

I never really understood what Parkinson’s disease was until my mum was diagnosed with it at the age of 71 and even then, I had no idea what that diagnosis really meant. So what did it mean and how did we deal with it together?
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Breaking Down Fitness Barriers

Being fit should never be out of reach. We recognise that fitness can be a scary, daunting word for many people for many reasons. Gaining that ripped body shown on TV and in magazines, whilst achievable for some, seems so far out of reach for others that they feel fitness is not for them and they turn their back on it. Here at Workout For Less we wanted to change this mindset. That’s why since 2011 we have been doing what we do.

There are so many ways to keep fit and we want to ensure there’s something for everyone. So we’ve ensured that we provide a diverse range of sports and fitness equipment from quality brands so that everyone’s included. If you’re just starting out on your fitness journey and want to start weight training, we have a variety of weights, dumbbells and kettlebells for you - and as you progress, we can help you find all that you need for your next step. For more experienced athletes, we’ve got your back - we're here to help you reach the top of your game. If yoga's your thing, we can kit you out with everything to get you started, from yoga mats, to blocks, straps and bags and as you become more experienced, we are here for you to ensure you have a choice of the best yoga equipment for your needs. Whatever your fitness goals, we want to make it possible for you.

The Workout For Less team wants you to have the opportunity to reach your fitness potential whatever that looks like. For some it will be elite powerlifting or running marathons, for others it will be a short steady stroll or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Regardless of age, weight, gender or ability we want to break down the barriers to fitness so that everyone can get involved and whilst we appreciate fitness looks different for everyone, we know that with encouragement, each and every one of us can put in our best effort and achieve outcomes we never believed were possible. Get fit your way.